Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund – Student Aid

在冠状病毒援助下, 救济和经济安全(关怀)法, 冰球突破官方平台已获得资金,为因COVID-19造成的中断而产生不可预见的紧急费用的学生提供紧急补助金. Eligible expenses include food, 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 卫生保健 and childcare.


The federal emergency grants will be distributed through a series of payment initiatives as outlined below


收到的款项- CARES $461,129
收到的资金- CRRSAA $461,129
收到的资金- ARP $1,295,959
累计已支付资金 $2,021,268




8月, 2022, 注册2022年秋季学期并获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生收到一封电子邮件,通知他们有资格获得700美元的联邦紧急助学金. Awards are pro-rated for students enrolled less than full-time. 希望将紧急补助金申请到学生帐户的学生需要从他们的冰球突破mg平台电子邮件发送给学生帐户办公室. 没有申请助学金的学生可以在周五中午或之后从学生账户办公室领取退款支票, 8月26日, 2022(需出示有效证件).

Parents also received an email informing them of 冰球突破mg平台’s intent to release federal emergency grants to eligible students. 家长被指示与他们的学生核实是否符合资格,并帮助学生决定他们是想要支票还是想要学生账户的信用.

《冰球突破mg平台》指示各机构向有“特殊需要”的学生发放这些联邦紧急补助金, such as students who receive Pell Grants or are undergraduates with extraordinary financial circumstances”. 遇到特殊经济情况的学生应通过financialaid@paulsmiths与经济援助办公室联系.edu to see if additional emergency grant funding is available. 申请额外紧急资助资金的学生必须提交其特殊财务状况的文件.

1月9日, 2022, students registered for the spring 2022 semester and receiving a Federal Pell Grant. NYS丝锥, 和/或VSAC补助金, received an email notifying them of eligibility for a $2,5万联邦紧急拨款. Awards are pro-rated for students enrolled less than full-time. 希望将紧急补助金申请到学生帐户的学生需要从他们的冰球突破mg平台电子邮件发送给学生帐户办公室. 没有申请助学金的学生可以在周五中午或之后从学生账户办公室领取退款支票, 1月28日, 2022(需出示有效证件).

Parents also received an email letting them know of 冰球突破mg平台’s intent to release federal emergency grants to  eligible students. 家长被指示与他们的学生核实是否符合资格,并帮助学生决定他们是想要支票还是想要学生账户的信用.

《冰球突破mg平台》指示各机构向有“特殊需要”的学生发放这些联邦紧急补助金, such as students who receive Pell Grants or are undergraduates with extraordinary financial circumstances”. 遇到特殊经济情况的学生应通过financialaid@paulsmiths与经济援助办公室联系.edu to see if additional emergency grant funding is available. 申请额外紧急补助资金的学生必须提交其特殊财务状况的文件.

8月5日, 2021, Federal Pell Grant eligible students registered for fall 2021, received an email notifying them of eligibility for a $1,200联邦紧急拨款. Awards are pro-rated for students enrolled less than full-time. 希望将紧急补助金申请到学生帐户的学生需要从他们的冰球突破mg平台电子邮件发送给学生帐户办公室. 没有申请助学金的学生可以在8月17日或之后从学生账户办公室领取退款支票, 2021年(需出示有效证件).

家长们还收到了一封电子邮件,告知他们冰球突破mg平台打算向符合联邦佩尔助学金条件的学生发放联邦紧急助学金. 家长被指示与他们的学生核实是否符合资格,并帮助学生决定他们是想要支票还是想要学生账户的信用.

《冰球突破mg平台》指示各机构向有“特殊需要”的学生发放这些联邦紧急补助金, such as students who receive Pell Grants or are undergraduates with extraordinary financial circumstances”. 遇到特殊经济情况的学生应通过financialaid@paulsmiths与经济援助办公室联系.edu to see if additional emergency grant funding is available. 申请额外紧急补助资金的学生必须提交其特殊财务状况的文件.

所有在校生, 符合联邦财政援助资格的人(在任何学年都有有效的FAFSA)将获得联邦紧急补助金. 奖学金的金额取决于学生的经济需求,由学生的就读成本和20/21年度FAFSA的估计家庭贡献决定:

Pell合格EFC $1,375
未满足的财政需要 $925
无经济需要证明 $200

Eligible students received an email notifying them of the award. 如果学生通过电子邮件studentaccounts@paulsmiths主动提出申请,他们可以选择将补助金申请到他们的学生账户.edu在2021年3月24日中午之前. Parents also received an email letting them know of 冰球突破mg平台’s intent to release federal emergency grants to students. 家长被指示与他们的学生核实是否符合资格,并帮助学生决定他们是想要支票还是想要学生账户的信用.

Students that did not actively request the grant be applied to their student account, 我星期五会收到支票吗, 3月26日. Checks for on-campus students will be delivered to student mailboxes. 校外学生的支票将在学生会计处(菲尔普斯行政大楼一楼)领取。. 无法领取支票的校外学生可以通过studentaccounts@paulsmiths确认邮寄地址,要求邮寄支票.edu.

Students experiencing extenuating financial need should contact the Financial Aid Office at financialaid@bjqzgy.com to see if additional emergency grant funding is available.

A $200 emergency grant will be issued in January 2021 to all returning spring students. It is being provided to assist with payment of the cost of coronavirus testing required to return to campus, 以及学生因冠状病毒导致的校园运营中断而产生或将产生的其他费用(包括食品等费用), 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 卫生保健, 和儿童保育). 新学生, or those returning students that did not take fall classes, 会在春季学期中期收到他们的支票吗.

符合9/11后退伍军人法案第33章福利资格的学生也将收到联邦紧急拨款支票,以帮助弥补在比正常情况下更长的寒假期间退伍军人事务部住房援助的损失, 以及学生因冠状病毒导致的校园运营中断而产生或将产生的其他费用(包括食品等费用), 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 卫生保健, 和儿童保育). Amounts will vary depending on the student’s regular benefit amount.

All Checks will be mailed to the address on file with the college. If a student needs this changed, they should contact Student Accounts. Acceptance of these grant constitutes representation and agreement that the student will use the funds for the purposes above. If a student will not be able to use the funds for these purposes, 他们不应兑现助学金支票,如果支票已兑现,则应安排将资金退还给学院. Only students taking on-campus classes with a valid FAFSA on file will be eligible.  由于冠状病毒导致校园运营中断而产生额外费用的学生应联系财政援助主任.


Students will receive emergency grant funding if they are quarantined and meet the following criteria:

  • Any student who tests positive during the active semester while enrolled as an on-campus, 面对面的学生
  • All students identified a close contacts of an on-campus positive exposure
  • All students identified as proximate contacts of an on-campus positive exposure 2月4日前. 自2021年2月9日起,根据富兰克林县卫生部制定的指导方针,被确定为校园阳性接触者的学生将不再被隔离.

Students will not receive grant funding who fall into these categories:

  • Students who had to quarantine upon return to campus because they came from a non-contiguous state
  • Students who had to quarantine upon return to campus because they did not abide by the return testing policies
  • Students who have to quarantine because of contact with a positive non-冰球突破mg平台 individual (i.e. the exposure happened elsewhere, not on our campus)

被隔离的学生将获得200美元. Students that quarantine off-campus will receive $400. The emergency grant is provided to assist with expenses incurred related to the quarantine, 以及由于冠状病毒导致校园运营中断而已经发生或将要发生的其他费用(包括食品等费用), 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 卫生保健, 和儿童保育). Acceptance of the grant constitutes representation and agreement that funds will be used for these purposes. If a student will not be able to use the funds for these purposes, they should contact the 财政援助办公室 and return the funds if they’ve already been received.

Students can complete the form below if they incur expenses during their quarantine in excess of the amount awarded to them. 这个表格是 只有 for students who have been placed on quarantine by 冰球突破官方平台 and who do not fall under any of the above categories.

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund – Emergency Financial Aid Grant to Student

目的: 根据联邦指导方针,协助冰球突破mg平台学生解决因COVID - 19导致校园运营中断的紧急需求.

要求, 资金将直接寄给学生, 不应课税, and are not reflected on financial aid award offers. 学生的所有请求都将包括一份所需的证明,证明与冠状病毒导致的校园运营中断有关的费用(包括学生出勤费用下的合格费用,如食品), 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 卫生保健, 和儿童保育).

  • Student Eligibility: Enrolled in 2020年春季 with a valid FAFSA on file
  • Timeline: Requests may be made beginning immediately on an ongoing basis through April 25, 2021年或直到资金耗尽.
  • 方法计算:
    • 资金将分配给因COVID-19造成的个人和/或财务状况对其支付因校园运营中断而导致的费用的能力产生负面和实质性影响的任何入学学生.
    • Grant award is based on EFC; and weighted with highest need category.
      • EFC<$5,576 (Pell Eligible) $ 1000
      • 欧元5,577美元- 19,999美元600美元
      • EFC >$20,000 $ 250
    • The grant award may be pro-rated for less than full time status.

While the student has discretion to use the funds to pay any eligible expenses under the cost of attendance (such as food, 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 卫生保健, 和儿童保育) related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus, students are encouraged to invest in a mobile computing device that meets the 专业的最低要求.

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